Sunday, September 25, 2016

269.366 - 2016 project and homefulmindedness

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


home - a place associated with satisfaction, a feeling of safety, acceptance, accomplishment, quiet; one's residence.  homeful - to be filled with the spirit of "home", with the geist of home.  homefulminded - having to do with thoughts of being homeful, with actions that evoke being homeful, with surrounding oneself with objects that summon being homeful.  homefulmindedness - the state of being homefulminded.  oh yes, today especially (we just got home from six days of travel) I appreciate homefulmindedness!  for some reason, I just remembered a story of some Chinese or Japanese poet (Basho?) setting off on a year-long or perhaps years-long trip carrying nothing more than sandals, a walking staff, paper, pen, and ink, and a few coins.  in some ways, that spirit must be the antithesis of homefulmindedness.  today I appreciate homefulmindedness.

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