Thursday, September 1, 2016

245.366 - 2016 project and gadgets

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


have you seen the cart that climbs?  either way?  wow!  I could sorta figure out how the mechanism worked to climb up the stairs, but am still mystified by how it climbs down them.  even so, go inventors!  you rock!  there's also a cane that stands and waits for you.  and its bottom is this little tripod thingy that adjusts to the tilt of wherever you put it down on, so you get stable support even as you walk on rough ground.  surely you've seen the standing desk?  I would think you'd need a specially designed desk to make it work right, but apparently not.  or have you seen a bow lately?  I thought the recurved bow was an extraordinary advance, but today's bow can come with half a dozen gadgets that increase the "weight" you release, and also increase its repeatable accuracy.  it looks like Rube Goldberg's bow, but that's probably because my eye is untrained.  your PDA (smartphone) can count your footsteps and tell you how far you've walked today.  one of my computers knows to turn on when I open the screen away from the keyboard.  so yes, you can tell I appreciate gadgets, but I would disclaim a few.  I've never appreciated the guillotine much, possibly because I'm more rebel than law'n'order aficionado.  I have the same mixed feelings about a Taser.  I'm of two minds about the floating car with the propeller in back.  the extensible-retractable leash seems a mixed blessing to me.  I love my Kindle app, but hope we don't give up on printed books.  so, yes, I love gadgets - like the electric pencil sharpener - but with reservations.  So, happy gadgeting!  And go gadgeteers!

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