Thursday, September 22, 2016

266.366 - 2016 project and satisfaction

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


I think maybe we don't give it enough savor in our lives.  maybe that just means I don't recognize it enough in mine.  looking back, I'm quite satisfied with what I did on the Lunar Orbiter Project, on the Viking Project, on the Voyager Project, on the IRAS (InfraRed Astronomical Satellite) Project, even on my last two participations in projects at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  I'm satisfied with the work I did after that.  I'm satisfied with my years of motorcycling and my years of Harleying.  I'm satisfied with my years of coffee, and my new years of coffeelessness.  (imagine me grinning at you.)  I'm satisfied with this trip up to Seattle, although hindsight tells me I could have planned and executed it better.  I am beyond satisfied, I am pleased with becoming a poet in Los Angeles (as opposed to a poet in hiding).  for the most part, I am satisfied with my hosting, although just typing that makes me wince at how many things I could do better.  and I still have whatever life I have left to add satisfactions to that list.  I am beginning to think no one will wrap me in the banners I won for the battles I won, and no one will push my longship out to see with me inside it and light it on fire, possibly because I don't own a longship and have never gone viking.  but maybe a quieter version of cremation, and a happy-go-lucky wake and a memorial service of verses other poets have written for or about me.  could happen.  I may not be here to appreciate it if it does.

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