Sunday, November 27, 2016

330.366 - 2016 project and food

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


a hamburger!  roast beef!  hell, a big grilled Portobello mushroom!  some of Lindy's potato soup!  mmmmm!  you see, when I finally got to eat again - I couldn't eat while preparing for the colonoscopy or for a while after it - I was on a clear liquid diet.  yes, hot water, beef broth, jello, Italian ice.  (hot water:  I can't drink coffee or tea or pop.  luckily, Duke Ellington had a substitute for me.)  I lay in bed and imagined that big juicy hamburger, with a thick slice of tomato, and even a pickle!  mmmmm!  I was so grateful when they graduated me to an unclear liquid diet!  Oh yes!  cream of vegetable soup!  vanilla pudding!  what they called "soft fruit" - and I tried not to imagine fruit gone soft.  really!  the clear liquid diet was tasty!  yummy!  the unclear liquid diet added a hint of texture.  nice!  ooooo!  and then solid food!  Ziti with beans was delicious!  heck, even steamed carrots were delicious.  a small roll of bread!  but in this country, I was raised in the Southwest.  food is beef and vice versa.  so I ate the clear liquids, the unclear liquids, and the soft solid food, and reveled in real tastes, and imagined a chunk of roast beef, or a steak, or filet mignon.  we drove home in the rain, so I didn't ask for a hamburger, but was happy for potato soup and both chocolate and vanilla ice cream.  oops, I've once again slipped past DoY 330 and slid into DoY 331, but maybe that's okay since I'm appreciating and celebrating food.

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