Wednesday, November 16, 2016

321.366 - 2016 project and Tonka trucks

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

Tonka trucks

sorry.  I needed something lighthearted.  what could be more lighthearted than kids playing with toy trucks?  well, I suppose a lot of things.  but I confess, I was glad to "light" on these.  I didn't have many Tonka trucks in my childing and teening.  they became widespread about two years too late for me, maybe four.  I remember Tonka trucks and being fascinated with them about the time I got my driver's license.  for once I was clear that my fascination with them would not communicate to girls my age, and I was clear also about the whole point of a driver's license, some time alone with a girl.  but, oops, sorry, back to the point here, Tonka trucks.  goddam!  they were just toys, right?  but they were made with such dedication to detail!  and they had such wonderful features!  some had doors that opened and closed.  some had hoists that actually hoisted.  some carried barrels of oil - as far as I know, you had to make-believe the oil, but the oil drums looked and felt authentic.  I think the tow truck came with a blue shop rag that actually felt like a blue shop rag!  it was silly and it was wonderful!  thank you, Tonka.

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