Saturday, November 19, 2016

324.366 - 2016 project and cookies

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


geez!  how could it have taken me 323 days to remember to appreciate cookies?  ah, of course.  we hardly think of them until the year-end holidays befall us, right?  they're just there or they're not for most of the year, then - flash! - they're a staple for a few weeks, and then - flash! - they're gone again until next year.  yeah, but it doesn't matter when they're there, damn!  little crisps of sweetness, sometimes with a surprising softness as soon as you get past the crunch.  I think the best ones are just sweet enough that you notice, but heck, I also like the ones that damn near make your teeth sing with sweetness!  happy holidays!  enjoy your bounty of cookies this season!  then - what the heck! - scatter them through your year!  happy cookie days!

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