Tuesday, November 22, 2016

327.366 - 2016 project and rue

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


what is rue?  a perennial evergreen shrub with bitter, strong-scented lobed leaves that are used in herbal medicine.  also compassion, pity, repentance, regret, or as a verb, to bitterly regret.  (it has nothing to do with the French rue, street, but is a direct descendent of the Old English hreow, the Dutch rouw, and the German reue.)  some days I know A.E. Housman's "With rue my heart is laden", and some days I don't.  I wake up to the white man's history with women, or with black people, with Native Americans, with anyone else than white men, and I want to crawl under my bed.  I want to protest that I didn't do it, but that's hogwash.  I am the beneficiary of all those acts, and unconsciously participated in my own from the time we landed in this country (roughly 1954) til now.  yes, even now, I catch myself too late acting the generous white man.  if there were a way to cut that out of me, I would.  but we are trained to it - ah, and those training us aren't even aware that they're training us.  it's the expected, the norm.  it's our society, our culture.  it's who we are.  it's who I am.  I think but cannot know that sometimes I am a genuine fellow-human.  please, universe, let that be so.  so, rue?  yes, I know it.  sometimes I live it.  and yes, I appreciate it.

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