Thursday, November 3, 2016

308.366 - 2016 project and the republic

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

the republic

I make fun of the United States, and of UnitedStatesians, and - as you may have seen - I disbelieve in their "democracy".  I make fun of the United States and of UnitedStatesians mainly because the latter, the citizens of the United States, really think they are somehow better than the rest of the world.  if they don't think that, they sure talk it, and how else are you gonna know what a person thinks except by what he or she says?  and I have also let you know I am a lifelong anti-Republican.  so it may come as a surprise that I am also a republican.  to be clear, I oppose the Republican party and everything it stands for, as well as I can tell, and I am for the republic.  for what it's worth, I think a republic is a sovereign state in which power is vested in its citizens but exercised by their elected representatives.  and yes, our president is one of our elected representatives.  as well as I can tell, we chose a republic as our form of government, did our best to keep it from becoming oppressive, and turned it loose.  it has served us pretty well for 228 years.  we have chosen to amend its Constitution several times.  I don't claim for us any particular wisdom or goodness or justice or mercy.  I think we have mostly held ourselves up to those as ideals, and at times not at all.  we are people, we are human beings.  if we don't embarrass ourselves in choosing or guiding our government, then we have done well.  what we did last year or ten years ago proves nothing about us today.  today we are who we say we are and what we do to back that up.  yes, we lie a lot, and now and then we face the truth.  I think this election is forcing us to see who we are and what we do more clearly than most elections do.  we are not nearly as pretty as we usually claim to be.  I hope we will do well in choosing our representatives and in continuing this republic.  I do not count on it, I just hope.  yes, I appreciate the republic we have had.  I hope to continue appreciating it.

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