Thursday, June 30, 2016

182.366 - 2016 project and completion

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


an alien, looking over my life, or even my "office", would shake his head and say, "No, you mean incompletion."  so much debris from tasks and projects, begun and left partially finished!  and I suppose the alien would be right, but I'm going to claim that I also appreciate completion, tasks, projects, and even to-dos that I've seen through to the end, finished, and stepped back to admire before I started on the next.  yeah, I'm never really finished.  ever since I was little, I've had a list of to-dos bigger than I could ever finish.  it's how I learned about priorities.   I think I invented priorities for my to-do list without ever having a name for them.  but now and then I finish something and I get to check it off.  done!  goddam that's a good feeling!  akin to it is the feeling when I recognize that I'm never going to finish a task, a project, or a to-do, and I can stop nagging myself about it.  that's another form of completion, and I appreciate them both.

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