Friday, June 3, 2016

155.366 - 2016 project and unsubtlety

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


what?  yes.   I looked up that word, and found nothing.  huh?  so I looked up antonyms to subtlety.  (imagine me blinking.)  the first one was ignorance.  I definitely did not mean that.  so I looked up subtlety and learned that it was being subtle.  not much help.  so I considered what subtlety means to me.  a Jaguar is subtle.  it doesn't exactly say, "What you think is a year's wages, this man thinks is pocket change."  but it leans in that direction.  especially when his serious car is an Aston-Martin.  and maybe that sentence is another example of subtle.  by contrast, a Harley is not subtle.  a Harley is big.  a Harley is mechanical. it shows off its mechanicalness.  those of us who love them think they are beautiful.  a Harley has awesome torque.  a Harley doesn't cut through the wind, it doesn't sleek through the wind, it bulls through the wind, tall and proud.  and the rider of a Harley sits low in the frame, so you can see a rider with fairly short legs sitting comfortably on a Harley.  I could be mistaken, but I think there is nothing subtle about a Harley.  that's the unsubtlety I appreciate.  and I appreciate that kind of unsubtlety in a poem too.  Wanda Coleman's raw rage, Lucille Clifton's defiant ode to her hips, Amiri Baraka's demand to be heard, to be listened to in a world built on white supremacy, Galway Kinnell's hunt for the bear, these, I say, are unsubtlety, and I praise.

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