Monday, June 13, 2016

165.366 - 2016 project and lists

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


there are people who don't need and don't use lists.  I am not one of them.  I use lists.  I list to-dos - for the day, for the week, for the month.  I'd probably have a to-do list for my life if I thought I were going to live that long.  I have lists of books to read and books to buy.  I have lists of things I'm trying to get done.  I had a list of kinds of programs I wanted to write.  I once had a list of topics to address in a poem.  I had a list of places to go on my Harley.  somewhere I have a list of philosophical questions to consider - I think they're philosophical, but after some reading, I suspect philosophers wouldn't think so.  I once made a list of lists I had made on my computers, where I could find each list, and what the list was intended for.  a friend once teased me that if I just did the things I thought of without making lists, I'd probably finish the things I want to do.  I told her yeah, maybe, but I'd never know, since I wouldn't have crossed it off my list.  I may be a bit manic about lists, but they're about the most useful tool I have to gather all the scattered splinters of this mind and focus for a while on getting something done.

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