Friday, June 17, 2016

169.366 - 2016 project and sanity

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


you know, those intervals between times when I turn to Lindy and say, "I have to buy a gun."  or more likely, "I have to buy this text on advanced physics."  I can't think of any other good examples right now, but trust me, I bought the text on advanced physics, and I bought the gun.  no, I haven't used the gun to shoot up the text on advanced physics, yet.  and if you were to catch Lindy without me nearby, she might think of another example or two of my strange (read mad) urges.  now, at age seventy-four - good grief!  seventy-four! - I have read real people's stories of their adventures with what we call insanity.  I admire you for surviving and sharing with us, if you're one of those.  thank you.  and I recognize that most of my life has been spent in sanity,  but there have been times, and there may have been a long interval, that I spent, well, maybe going in and out of sanity.  I'm not sure and I'm not qualified to say.  I did spent five years working with a clinical psychologist, I think, reconstructing the story of my life, reconstructing my ideas of a future.  bless you, good doctor!  I don't know what he would say we did, but that's my interpretation of what I did working with him.  and since then I've only had a few episodes of "I have to do X!"  once I'd done X, I was satisfied to share your world as well as I do.  so, yes, I appreciate sanity, and intend to continue to participate in it.

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