Sunday, May 29, 2016

150.366 - 2016 project and kleenex

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


especially I appreciate the kleenex with baby oil in it so it doesn't dry and scrape your nose.  When I was little, working men and other people who didn't have to be couth prided themselves on sneezing or blowing their noses out into the great out of doors around them, then wiping off what dangled with their thumb and forefinger, and wiping that off on their pants.  Yes, men really did that.  women may have too, but I don't remember seeing one.  as a boy, I was embarrassed.  I didn't have the power to expel my snot like those men did, so like most good little boys, I carried around a handkerchief and used it.  later, after the advent of girls, I carried around two handkerchiefs, one for me to use, and one just in case,  you see, girls cried, or they sneezed - eversodaintily of course - but they never had a handkerchief.  they didn't have pockets, or so I understood.  if I could produce a clean handkerchief at the right moment, behold, I was a hero for maybe five seconds.  a minute later she once again couldn't see me, but for that five seconds I was a hero.  maybe someday my hero points would accumulate.  but handkerchiefs are like diapers, always in need of washing, always unraveling, always wearing thin.  when one got a job, part of what one was expected to do was buy his own handkerchiefs.  or I thought so.  then when we were snatched away to this country, kleenex appeared.  of course, at first it only came in big boxes, so you still had to carry a handkerchief, or in my case two.  but handkerchiefs were on their way out.  they were doomed.  kleenex had already thought of the sixpack or eightpack, and sold those for a nickel apiece or something like that.  showing up with a kleenex at the right time was not heroic, so that opportunity went away.  but kleenex was so much more gentle on noses!  even the dry kind.  and disposable!  no wonder it took over the world.  and men became so much more couth.

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