Sunday, May 1, 2016

122.366 - 2016 project and low-sodium foods

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

low-sodium foods

oh my goodness!  yes, way back in 2012 when I admitted I needed help and found out I had congestive heart failure (CHF), spent eleven days in the hospital, and accepted taking a class on what I needed to do with the rest of my life (so I'd have a rest of my life), one of the things I learned was that I had to eat low-sodium foods the rest of my life.  what!  what does that mean?  oh, no salt.  no problem!  right!  well, I made it a problem of course.  what's the point of being human if you don't make life a problem you have to solve?  I didn't like low-sodium, no-salt-added foods!  everything tasted bland.  well, that was just silly.  that's what I had to eat.  so I set myself to re-train my palate.  it just takes time, if you co-operate.  meanwhile, Lindy took them on as a challenge and found helpful places on the internet.  she took on cooking low-sodium foods with zest!  soon we ate low-sodium lasagna, low-sodium chili, low-sodium pasta, low-sodium waffles with maple syrup, low-sodium bean soup, low-sodium anything with tomatoes and hamburger and beans and chopped onions.  goodness gracious!  yes, Lindy found dozens of zesty low-sodium recipes and even made up some of her own!  I learned to love spices even more than I already had, and hardly ever miss salt now.  (still a human, you know.)  thank you, love.  thank you, palate.  thank you, universe.  low-sodium foods are life-stretchers!

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