Wednesday, May 4, 2016

125.366 - 2016 project and writing

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


I so appreciate writing!  let me be clear about that:  for me, writing is a body of commitments, starting with a commitment to write poems well, then a second commitment to write stories well, and a commitment to write every day.  so it is an engagement with language, an entanglement almost, that keeps me studying English, not only how I am told it works, but how people around me use it.  it is a commitment to speak truth, not necessarily historical truth - some of us write fiction - but necessarily poetic truth, necessarily human truth.  for me, writing is the puzzle-solving of using language well, or better, of using language strikingly.  among the consequences of writing that I appreciate are the discoveries that come from this engagement, this entanglement:  for instance that written English is different from spoken English, and once one has that distinction, that there are so many Englishes - a child's English, a young adult's English, an adult's English, a manager's English.  learning that we have so many Englishes, it takes immense arrogance to write "the" rules of English.  then learning how necessary that arrogance is, for without "the" rules of English we wouldn't be able to discern the many sets of rules we use.  so yes, I appreciate writing, and dedicate my life to it.

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