Tuesday, May 17, 2016

138.366 - 2016 project and mystery

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


oh yes!  I mean mystery like whodunnit, especially murder mysteries.  but I also mean mystery like woman.  or mystery like how-do-we-solve-this-problem.  or even mystery like the night sky, of which I know the answers to so many parts and still feel wonder and awe when I look up into it.  I feel some of that watching a woman walk, particularly a young woman.  I know, millions of years went into designing that so I would feel that wonder and awe and the young woman is only doing something perfectly normal to her, but oh, evolution, thank you!  I sit and watch two women talk, watch from far enough away that I can't hear a word of it, and again feel wonder and awe.  men don't do anything like that, not even when they talk.  maybe because men are busy competing, at the "I haven't killed you yet" level.  but anyway, women mystery wonderful.  that's a sentence in any language!  how does this connect to whodunnits?  who write most whodunnits?  no wonder mystery novels take us into a world we don't recognize even though it sorta resembles our own.  yes, mystery.  I'm not sure I want to live there, but I love to visit!

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