Friday, April 22, 2016

113.366 - 2016 project and Sir Walter Scott

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

Sir Walter Scott

have I mentioned that I love historical fiction?  I do.  or I did back when I had time for fiction.  I swear!  since I entered this world of poetry and readings and writings and gatherings and scatterings, I have started maybe a dozen books and finished maybe three!  but when I was a kid, meaning before the jumps from Recife to Miami to St. Louis, I useta read and really go under, immersed in whatever I read.  along about the age of ten, I think, I discovered Sir Walter Scott.  now he knew how to write historical fiction!  actually that's not true, he invented writing historical fiction.  (read what the Encyclopaedia Britannica says about him.)  and he wrote it so well that other people couldn't help trying it too, and so it expanded and expanded into the generous genre that it is today.  I didn't know that then.  I was just a kid.  I was just thrilled that anyone could make those old times come to life so well!  _Ivanhoe_ and _Rob Roy_ and _Quentin Durward_.  Oh man!  I can almost recapture my wonder and my dreams then by reading good historical fiction now!  Thank you, Sir Walter Scott.

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