Sunday, April 10, 2016

101.366 - 2016 project and the number 101

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

the number 101

it's today's DoY (Day of the Year).  it identifies the freeway which runs right by the apartment building that contains my apartment.  it's a prime number (it divides cleanly only by itself and by 1).  it's the number that identifies the class that introduces college students to almost any major.  it's a number people use to show you they've been really thorough, as in "the 101 top rock'n'roll hits of the 80s".  it's the number of Dalmatians for Disney.  it's the number of poem books you'd have to read to show you were getting serious about studying poetry.  it's the number of miles you'd have to drive in any direction (except the directions that take you into the ocean) from downtown Los Angeles to begin to get out of the city.  it's an interesting number.

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