Tuesday, April 5, 2016

096.366 - 2016 project and sentences that appreciate

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

sentences that appreciate

let me lick that drop of soup you just spilled off your breast.


this house has stood up to three floods, four hurricanes, and five werewolves - although I'm only taking my grandmother's word for the werewolves.

my grandfather rode circuit - that is, he preached at a small sequence of churches one Sunday after another - for twenty years, and rode damn near forty-two thousand miles doin' it.

my grandfather wore out about a horse a year, I'm told.

my husband drives so well that other people have his accidents for him.

these beets taste so good I bet your neighbors line up for your leftovers!

Honda makes motorcycles that spoil a father's prejudices.

San Francisco has streets so narrow that even a bicycle can't turn around in them.

he plays a guitar so mean that the music mugs people outside the joints he plays in.

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