Saturday, April 16, 2016

107.366 - 2016 project and living on Burbank Blvd. 2

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

living on Burbank Blvd.

We've lived in the same apartment building for twenty years.  We moved once, two years ago.  If this neighborhood were a community, we'd almost be elders by now.  OTOH, if this neighborhood were a community, I wouldn't know it, and I don't think Lindy would either.  We live in the neighborhood, but not of it.  I have the impression most of our neighbors do too.  Most of them move in, smile say hello or maybe wish us well, and then are gone.  On our side of the street there are two fairly large apartment buildings where I suspect transient families like us live.  (You might laugh about transients who stay for twenty years, but the cops haven't chased us on.)  Across the street is a row of little post-WWII houses (in case you've forgotten, WWII is World War II - yes, there was a World War I).  Seventy years of owners have made each distinct from its neighbors, but they are still all basically the same size and each still faces the street with a door and two windows.  If there is community over there, we've seen no evidence of it, but as you might deduce, we haven't looked for it.  So we have a collection of residences with no apparent interaction between the people who use them.  It's a place that suits us fine.  Yes, I appreciate living here.

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