Wednesday, October 21, 2015

203.365 - a life in sixteen lines

is easy to do as long as the lines can be as long as you want
or maybe is easy to do if you focus on the task instead of the rules
the poet was born and survived childhood and adolescence despite help
survived young manhood despite stubbornness
discovered poetry but resisted it, sometimes poeming and sometimes not
worked very hard but not very cooperatively, mainly with computers
worked with computers like a moth works with a flame
except he never got badly burned
and almost too late discovered poetry was a performing art
if he has anything to give younger poets it’s that:  perform your art!
he was lucky - he must’ve learned something all those silent years
poets and people liked his poems despite his not trying much to please
when he retired from computers, sorta, he practiced every day
writing and reading poems aloud or silently but mostly to an audience
learned to breathe and to project and put some feeling in his lines
and inhaled appreciation like it was a goddess’ praise

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