Friday, March 25, 2016

085.366 - 2016 project and specificity

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


yes, I appreciate specificity.  damn, it's rare!  but when it's there, I appreciate it.  when a newspaper makes specific allegations, instead of talking about corruption, I appreciate the specificity.  when a politician makes specific charges about his opponent instead of talking about malfeasance, I appreciate the specificity.  when a preacher...oh, nevermind.  when a police spokesman makes a carefully nuanced statement that adheres to facts, I appreciate the specificity, even though I may laugh at the attempt to imply something that is not true.  when a reporter actually quotes a scientist rather than attempting to translate what he or she said, I appreciate the specificity.  even when you and I are talking and you specify exactly what you know and identify what you surmise, I appreciate the specificity.  thank you each and every who partake in this.  I bow to you.

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