Wednesday, March 23, 2016

083.366 - 2016 project and books

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


almost every night when I was little-little, my mother read a story to me, and later to me and my little sister.  I don't know that it happened this way, but I imagine me watching my mother read from the golden books and from the children's story books and thinking, "I can do that!"  I knew the stories.  when Mother would try to fudge and take a shortcut across the story, I would pounce.  "Nunh-unh," I would indignate, "It says blahblahbostickems!"  and Mother would wearily go back to where she'd shortcutted and read what was really there.  until one night, she'd had it.  "Well if you know what it says, Mr. Smartypants, you read it."  and I did.  so from then on it was my job to read to my little sister, then to my little sister and my little brother.  my little sister must've taken over when my second little brother showed up.  I had moved on to other books.  I loved the Odysseus stories, and stories about the Greek gods and goddesses, who were naughty!  I discovered history books, and became fascinated.  they held real stories, but about real people, who had actually lived!  my grandfather introduced me to books that showed me how to do things!  the school library had books I wasn't supposed to read!  I thought that was a hoot! so, books!  yes, books.  thank you Mr. Gutenberg for inventing movable type, and making books so cheap that we the people can have them.  thank you, internet, for making them even more accessible.  and thank you authors for having written so damned many!  books!

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