Thursday, March 24, 2016

084.366 - 3016 project and Microsoft Word

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

Microsoft Word

imagine me shaking my head even as I write that.  yes, Microsoft Word.  using Microsoft Word is like invoking a Swiss Army knife of construction vehicles - say a crane and a steam roller and a pickup truck and a cement truck and an asphalt truck and a truck that carries glass panels and a bulldozer - when all you need is a hammer.  yes, when I write, I use a text editor.  a text editor lays down a string of characters, characters like you're looking at now, and provides you carriage returns and line feeds and not much else, all you need for writing simple things like poems and essays.  but some of my friends write more complicated things, in which they need honeysuckle vines braided through the letters, or underlines, or bold characters, or italic characters, or text that flows around a picture, or footnotes, or different fonts for different elements of the composition, and for those special effects, you can't beat Word.  well, you might be able to, but no one else would know about your special program, so they'd worry about using any file you built with it.  they don't really know Word either, but they trust it and thousands of other people do too, so if you want to exchange files with other people - communicate - then you'd better use Word as your intermediary.  so yes, I appreciate Word, but warily, like someone who watches a crane and a steam roller and a pickup truck and a cement truck and an asphalt truck and a truck that carries glass panels and a bulldozer work together to do what a pair of pliers might accomplish.  it is amazing to watch all those vehicles dance together, and sometimes the product is something one just can't do with a pair of pliers or a hammer, like braid honeysuckle vines through text characters.  so I appreciate Microsoft Word, even though I have my own reservations about it.  go Word.

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