Monday, March 7, 2016

067.366 - 2016 project and water

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


in particular potable water, water you can drink, water that hasn't been messed with by a corporation.  I don't know this, I never thought about it when I was a kid, but I suspect I drank water any time I was thirsty when I was a kid.  I don't know when exactly the change occurred, but in my teens sometime, some well-meaning grownup told me water was healthy for me.  I couldn't swear to this either, but I suspect the very next water I drank smelled suspicious and tasted nasty.  being a teenager was like that, anything a grownup told me was good for me immediately became poison.  for years I drank coffee like it was the only thing that tasted good and smelled wonderful.  and then CHF.  congestive heart failure.  no more coffee, no more tea, no more anything I useta drink.  water.  bless water.  thank you world for water.  it tastes neutral and smells neutral, it tastes and smells like life.  water.

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