Friday, March 4, 2016

064.366 - 2016 project and chemistry

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


it's a science I never learned, not like I learned physics.  (my son has a Ph. D. in the mysterious realm where physics and chemistry touch and overlap.)  I studied for my introduction to chemistry well enough to pass the tests as they came up.  I followed instructions in the required and attached lab course, and mostly connected the labs we did with what we read - that is, I could write the lab reports like the lab instructors wanted to read them.  but the material didn't sink in.  I can't remember today how to detect potassium in a solution, and definitely couldn't figure it out.  I can more-or-less read the periodic table, and I know to be awed when we add another element to it.  I know how important hydrocarbons are, and I remember being awed in class as the teaching assistant kept adding links to the chain, and producing another chemical whose use I vaguely knew from work.  but I know it's a science, it's not just hocus-pocus, and I treasure that people are able to do brilliant work in it.  I want to say "all hail chemistry!" but I remember also that many people don't.  so chemistry, I salute you and appreciate you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wyatt, I remember being bored as a young student with things (like history)that I have a fascination with now. So, I relate to this very much. Thanks for sharing. :)
