Tuesday, February 2, 2016

033.366 - 2016 project and appreciation

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that inspires or appreciates


I’m sitting here surrounded by my eight computers.  no one needs eight computers.  well, maybe someone does, but I don’t know what for.  I have eight computers because I love to play with computers, have ever since my supervisor came to me in 1965 and said he had a job no one else wanted but someone had to do and I had the least seniority in the group.  he introduced me to a computer at The Boeing Company and I had to learn to program it.  goddam!  someone had invented a machine that worked like my brain at its best!  I spent the next 47 years getting paid to play with one computer after another!  goddam!  goddam!  goddam!  eventually I retired, but by no means had had my fill of computers.  thank you, computers, for filling most of a lifetime with puzzles for me to solve that I could figure out!

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