Monday, February 29, 2016

060.366 - 2016 project and leap year babies

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

leap day babies and the adults they grow into

imagine having a birthday every four years.  your baby brother has had three birthday parties before you get your first.  grownups try to convince you that this makes you special.  you were born on a day that disappears for three years at a time.  when you're older and learn about Gregory, it's hard to appreciate the cleverness of his complicated rule, you just see it as adding more years when your birthday is hidden.  and some clown friend tries to make up for it by calling and wishing you a "happy birth-instant" at the very moment between February 28th and March 1st.  right.  but you do learn patience, and good will, and tolerance, and celebration.  those are virtues, right?  happy birthday, leap day babies and adults who were once leap day babies!  thank you for blessing us with your presence.

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