Tuesday, December 27, 2016

362.366 - 2016 project and nightmare

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


ooooo!  think of it!  the word itself, I mean.  nightmare.  a mare, a female horse, a woman's ride, maybe a queen's ride but a woman's ride anyway.  and then a night mare.  a mare woven from night.  stars shining through it.  galaxies.  nebulae.  you can only see it in the dark, when it is a deeper darkness.  maybe the darkness that lurks in humans.  mysterious.  but definitely not unknowable.  even in daylight, maybe mostly in daylight, that darkness comes to light.  beautiful people get poisoned.  innocent people get poisoned.  children encounter horrible stories, only to discover those are their own stories.  people get shot.  people get knifed.  people get maimed.  all of them human darkness come to daylight.  but twilight comes and fades, and night arrives, and human darkness manifests itself more fully.  poisonings, knifings, shootings, maimings, what we do to children, and to girls and women,  what the government does to its citizens, whether it convicts them first or not.  but mainly what we do to each other when we're pretty sure we can get away with it.  nightmare.  the horse rears.  she has teeth, she has hooves, but she has no saddle, and no bridle.  she is nighttime, human darkness, and maybe a touch more.

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