Sunday, December 25, 2016

360.366 - 2016 project and Christmas-ery

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


waking up early!  squealing!  yelping!  yippee-ing!  running into the living room!  stopping in the way of people behind you!  more squeals!  stepping out of the way.  running to the presents, careful not to grab one!  waiting impatiently while parents make and pour coffee!  talking about the wrapped presents!  which one is the bicycle?  the new pony?  is there a dog this year?  who gets the doll house?  who's gonna get the ugly socks?  finally, finally, finally the parents are ready and one of the kids gets appointed Gift Distributor of the Year!  GDotY climbs in among the gifts and picks out one for each person as long as he can, then for each kid as long as he can, and finally hands the last gifts to the birthday person.  SWOOSH!  everyone opens their presents all at once while mother is still reminding them to open the gifts one at a time and write down who gave what.  littlest kid asks "Is that it?"  when assured it is, littlest kid asks, "When can we do it again?"  looks disbelieving.  "Next year?"  mother announces she's going to make breakfast.  one of the middle kids asks, "What do we do after breakfast?"  littlest kid is forlornly trying to rewrap his presents in semi-destroyed gift wrapping.

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