Monday, August 22, 2016

235.366 - 2016 project and undersleeping

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


we all know about oversleeping, right?  you wake up, happily check your alarm clock, and panic, trying to get out of the covers that suddenly wrap you as if you were treasure.  you should be at work!  or wherever.  there may be something to appreciate about that experience, but I'm apparently proof against it.  no, what I want to talk about is its faux twin, some would say its opposite.  you wake up, happily check your alarm clock, and equally happily sit up and shut off the alarm.  you woke three minutes early, or five, or seven.  early enough that you have time to stretch and smile before you plunge into the day's needs.  undersleeping!  it's wonderful.  it's even wonderfler when it becomes what you expect - trust me, you still wake up and smile, you're still glad of that extra three or five or seven minutes.  it feels like you've added them to your lifetime.  no, you've just awakened a little early, avoided being scared out of sleep (that's why we call it an alarm), and started your day on your own.  happy day!  and happy undersleeping!  may you have many more!

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