Saturday, August 20, 2016

233.366 - 2016 project and these appreciations

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

these appreciations

there are some mornings when I wake up and I don't appreciate nuthin!  not even having woken up!  but even on those mornings, one of the things I have to face is "what am I going to appreciate today?"  except on those mornings the question shows up as "what in hell am I going to appreciate today?"  on those mornings I scowl around into the darkness and have to dig up a flashlight and look through the debris of my life until I come upon something that makes me grin, or smile, or even laugh!  "oh!" I say, and get started.  and pretty soon the day isn't so dark after all, and I've had to grin or smile or laugh at my own work,  and I've had to think that my readers - if I have readers - probably are gonna grin or smile or laugh there too.  the world really is not so dark, in fact I can see daylight, kids riding bicycles, or running around.  there's even a sunflower or two.  damn!  this is sorta a pretty good world!  yeah, I appreciate these appreciations.

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