Saturday, August 6, 2016

219.366 - 2016 project and logic

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


of course I was a fan of Mr. Spock!  at last!  someone on television who thought more or less like I do, who got just as stumped by what people do instead.  but Spock was better than that!  he had aphorisms!  some caught the beauty or the weirdness of logic, some caught his admiration for humans - he'd spent most of his life among us, but after he'd fully absorbed his own civilization.  yes!  Roddenberry imagined a whole civilization of people like Spock, only who not-quite-shunned humans because humans thought so messily.  yes!  I could get it!  and it wasn't just Spock!  I loved mathematics for its logic.  I loved physics, chemistry, and biology for seeming to do the same thing - I was pretty sure physics did, because I studied it.  and whenever I read chemistry from a chemist or biology from a biologist it sounded like logic to me.  (if a reporter helped, the logic vanished, but that made sense to me also.)  as far as I can tell, humans think with something like makes-sense.  it starts with no facts, and goes from anywhere one posits to anywhere one wants to go, as the day follows the night, or led step by step by I-wanna.  don't trust me on this.  I have not made a study of this, and no one else has either that I know about.  I've just listened to people explain, shuddered and slipped back onto my planet, where data and logic furnish the path of light through a world of chaos and darkness.  as far as I know, data and logic always lead to truth, even though truth may not be anything you'd want.  as far as I can tell, human thinking can include logic - after all, mathematicians are human, they're just peculiar humans - but logic doesn't have much to do with human thinking.  a friend of mine insists that two plus two equals four.  I seldom understand what that means apropos to a stolen bicycle, for instance, but I also know that anyone who's ever used a checkbook knows that two plus two equals four is just too limiting.  that's why we invented credit.  sometimes, like when you really, really, really want a rifle, you need to have two plus two equal fourteen hundred and seventy-four.  with credit, you make that happen, then for thirty-six months you complain about where in the hell did that extra charge of one hundred and fifty dollars come from, but you have your rifle.  you see why I trust logic, but admire human thinking.

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