Sunday, August 14, 2016

227.366 - 2016 project and fingernail clippers

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

fingernail clippers

oops!  did I say something uncouth?  I had a manager once who about came unglued when I mentioned fingernail clippers.  but they do deserve appreciation, at least the real ones do.  I think most fingernail clippers are made from an amalgam of pot metal and used bubblegum.  they hold an edge just about long enough for you to get them home.  they bend, they twist, they fall apart.  they sometimes even clip fingernails but never where you meant.  ordinary fingernail clippers are awful.  but good ones, steel ones, hold an edge until you lose them.  by accident, of course, not just because you want some new ones.  they clip where you intend, or at least where you place them.  you can get good clean edges, just like a professional manicurist would.  you can even get curves on those edges that resemble what a professional does.  no, even the best fingernail clippers don't really get you professionally cut nails, but they do damned well, they do as well as their amateur wielder can do.

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