Monday, July 18, 2016

200.366 - 2016 project and DoY 200

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates

DoY 200

c'mon!  wouldn't you think there'd be some signpost?  some milestone?  some alignment of astronomical objects?  some way the universe celebrated our reaching the 200th day, Day of the Year 200, since we started this trip around the sun?  well, there isn't.  nope, nuthin!    you and I can say, "hurray!  yippee!  huzzah!" as quietly or as loudly as we wish, and probably no one will join in with us.  if we're lucky, someone will give us a quizzical grin.  if we're unlucky, some cop will draw his "baton" and walk over to us and "suggest" we move along.  yes, DoY 200 looks like it oughtabe special, but neither the universe nor human society commemorates it.  but what the heck, happy DoY 200 to you!

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