Wednesday, December 30, 2015

364.365 - grandmother

seven times she said
"I must burn these"
and seven times she put it off
and her granddaughter took them
to her mother to protest
surely no one had ever written
such naked love and lust
surely no one had ever
done such things with her
surely she had not saved these...
these... why she could hardly say it letters if you will
not to the woman they had known
her mother glanced at a few
and gave them  back
"perhaps she kept them for a friend
perhaps... well, she was young once
what is the date on those?  well, see"
the mother went back to arrangements
the grandaughter to the desk
where she thought to discard them
maybe she should just burn them
but no, maybe she would take them home
and tease a lover into... oh, surely not!

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