Monday, December 28, 2015

362.365 - the invitation

a man spoke with Death
some say Death answered
others say no
it was like talking to any god
perhaps he or she hears you
even more perhaps he or she answers
in a way you can divine
in any case he spoke to Death
why do you hide in shadows?
in night?  in niches?
if you came out and showed your face
if you smiled now and then
nodded to return a greeting
perhaps we wouldn't pretend
you are not always near
always waiting
we might grow accustomed to you
friendly with you even
invite you to parties
so you needn't crash them
might even welcome your arms at last
might envy one who had accepted
your invitation
and if you do decide to come out
join us in the sunlight
then maybe wear some other color than black
probably stay away from red as well
blues would work
greys, browns, lavender, I think
you might prefer yellows or oranges
come on
come out
share the days and nights with us
laugh with us
take the chance
we might learn to like you

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