Wednesday, December 9, 2015

343.365 - hard sympathy

the dragon does not roar
nor exhale flame
his or her eyes droop
and leak as if they wept
a dragon weep?
this alone is almost cause
to give up on my fantasies
but then the dragon coughs
deep wracking coughs
that start almost in gargles
I want to pat him on the back
and sympathize
get him some lemonade
offer a lozenge
the dragon glares at me
dares me to use my sword or lance
or get the hell out
bother him again in a week or two
this is no time for heroics
but if all I seek is deception
then do my damnedest
the dragon closes his eyes
lays down his mighty head
I hunt through cabinets
and closets until I find
a blanket I can pull over him
he mutters curses
but tucks it closer
and growls that if I come back
he'll try to remember
and if he does he'll make
my death a little easier

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