Friday, January 22, 2016

022.366 - 2016 project and inspiration

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that inspires or appreciates

they're coming for us....  they're crawling out of the cracks under the window frames, slipping out from under the panelling, they're oozing out of the floor moldings, and marching down the chain to the chandelier.  What are they? Not ideas but the kernels of ideas, looking for a mind to hatch in.  Go ahead.  Scoop one up.  Probably two or three others will jump onto your hand also.   They'll all run under your sleeve and begin their merry trip to your mind.  You could be more passive.  Lie down and take a nap.  Let them burrow in under your hair.  The trip is shorter that way. Now let them ferment.  Provide juice for ideas.  But pay attention!  What good does it do them to present you ideas one after another while you watch television or gaze out your window?   There!  Isn't that one now?  Write it down and catch the next!  Keep writing until they run out.  Whew!  Now you have a week's worth of writing to do!

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