Wednesday, November 4, 2015

308.365 - my friend says I complain too much of lies

what if truth came to visit
surely it would not stay
among a people such as we
so entangled in our lies
but suppose it came to visit
pat little children on the head
solemnly greet teenagers
who would resent yet another adult
telling them how they ought live
suppose it sat and visited
among our men and women
and we tried to tell it stories
but faltered not knowing how
to tell what really happened
what we really said
or what we expected
suppose, just suppose
it stirred its coffee
spoke gently of some foreign land
where it lives comfortably in exile
waiting the day when it can come and stay
but when we jump in to tell it
how much we look forward to that day
the chair empties
the cup falls to the floor and shatters
the coffee spreads out on the floor

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