Wednesday, October 12, 2016

286.366 - 2016 project and daring

every day in 2016, write a sentence or a paragraph or a poem that appreciates


that's funny.  I don't know how to define daring.  oh, I can look it up in a dictionary.  but it isn't something heroic I mean.  maybe a way of living.  or of using language.  like Doug Kearney does.  like Donny Jackson does.  like e.e. cummings does, well, did.  so take the dictionary definition of daring, then apply it to language, make language work newly, make language glisten while it works, make it new and bold and strong.  set free the leopard in language.  boy, that helps, doesn't it?  let me try a different way:  suppose daring is the difference between van Gogh's creativity and Matisse's creativity.  it's what makes you sit up and wonder, "oh my goodness!  is that permitted?"  even as you look for ways to do something like it yourself.  "I know!  I'll ride a motorcycle instead of driving a car!"  something like that, only in how you use language, how you language.

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