Friday, January 15, 2021

 Who is us?  DoY 15 0f 2021.

It's complicated, isn't it?

To begin with, there's us, the good guys, folks who aren't necessarily doing anything good, but we have good intentions, good will, even well-wishes for the human species.  We don't do anything much to make the human species the good guys, but we don't do anything to make us the bad guys either.

Then there's us who actually do good things.  Doctors Without Borders.  Human Rights Watch.  The Red Cross and its sister organizations.  People like that, who actually work to manifest kindness, thoughtfulness, benevolence.  (I'm a little leery of that word, benevolence.  It too much smacks of a superior doing good to his or her inferiors.)

Then, I think, there's most of us, who don't really give a damn.  We're perfectly fine with people who do good, and we're perfectly fine with people who cheer them on.  But we're busy, thank you.  We have lives to maintain, jobs to promote ourselves in, we may have hobbies, or civic activities.I think what I mean is we really don't give a damn.  "You go ahead and do good, or you go ahead and do bad.  Either way don't bother me.  If you do, I may make you very sorry.  Or I may just ignore you.)

But some of us go beyond that.  We're not quite ready to do evil, but we kinda get a kick out of those who do.  We don't murder, rape, or pillage, but we don't get in the way either.  We may even actively cheer for murderers, rapists, pillagers.

And then there's us who work at making the human species the bad guys.  Murderers, rapists, pillagers, Republicans, some or many capitalists, proselyters, thieves, deceivers.

Did I miss any of us?  If I did, let me know.

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