Saturday, November 11, 2023

DoY 315 2023

 Well, here I am in the waning of the year, and at 81 and a half, probably in the waning of a life.

Gosh!  I got to work in the unmanned exploration of space, on missions to every planet but Mercury.  The Voyagers I worked on have left the solar system and are still, the last I heard, sending back data.  Meanwhile, I tried freelance programming for a while, then was a computer specialist for a growing insurance company til I retired.  An interesting career.

I'm sitting in my bed this afternoon wondering if I accumulated any wisdom from it.  Not unless it's the wisdom to claim none.

But it's been a good life.  I'm glad I lived it.  I don't think I harmed anyone, I may have done some good, and I helped us learn some intriguing facts.

More later.