Thursday, December 30, 2021

DoY 364

 Who is us?

Us is renewable.  Us is mendable. Well, at least once a year, us believes, us really believes, that us gonna be better next year.  Us do.  Us makes resolutions.  I know I do.  I don't know that all us humans do.  Maybe only people who grew it in English-speaking countries do.  Maybe only Christians and ex-Christians do.  But I suspect most anybody anywhere deep down knows he or she can be a better person and he or she really will be, tomorrow!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

DoY 357

 Who is us?

Us is inventive!  Us is!  It starts when us're little and us get caught doing something us're not supposed to do.  Maybe it starts earlier than that.  Us get here without a language and invent how to communicate with those pesky, irritating grownups us need for everything.  What a prodigious feat!  And every one of us did it!  Did it so well us take it for granted by the time us're three or thereabouts!  Us invented the inclined plane, the spinning top, hammers, levers, the wheel!  Us figured out how to recreate fire, and mostly how to control the fires us set.  Us invented dances!  Us invented swords and armor, the bow and arrow, the javelin, the lance.  Fireworks!  Oh my goodness!  Us invented the plow, and the dam, and irrigation canals!.  Us invented boats and ships.  Us figured out a compass - either meaning.  Us invented a helicopter!  It wasn't nearly as simple as Leonardo thought, but Sikorsky (I think) finally got the details right.  Us invented the automobile, the submarine, the airplane!  Us invented kings, aristocrats, priests, engineers.  Us invented writing and scribes!  Us invented geometry.  Just that short list prove us is inventive.  Us awes us.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

DoY 350

 Who is us?

Us is well-intentioned.  No one, I think, sets out to raise a criminal.  Well, a corporate executive maybe, but not a criminal criminal.  No one sets out to raise a juvenile delinquent even, I'm pretty sure.  No one intentionally pollutes the planet, us just does little things that poison it.  Without thinking.  No, if one polled our intentions, most of us anyway, us wouldn't find an intent to murder, torture, rape, ravish, steal, thieve, rob, plunder, loot, harm, or even hurt.  Somehow they just happen.  But really, us means well.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

DoY 343

 Who is us?

Us is ignorant and proud of it.  Us knows that science is when you have a laboratory.  Us knows that critical thinking is something nice people don't do.  Us knows that cops are our friends.  Us knows that rape happens outside the family.  Us knows that humans are the only animals who think.  Us knows that the sky is way up there, and holds little tiny, bright stars.  Well, those of us who don't live in cities know about stars in the sky.  Those of us who live in cities know stars are people in Hollywood.  Us knows drugs are made by evil people, and only bad people take them, except the good drugs, of course, those made by huge corporations who only have our best interests at heart.  Us knows that guns are bad, and if it weren't for guns, none of us would ever kill another of us.  Us knows a lot!  And us don't want any facts to confuse us.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

DoY 336

 Who is us?

Us is amazing.  Us really believes, or us says us do, this universe has a God and His responsibility is to make the world nicer for us.  Where have us been the last 50,000 years?  Or even the last 2,000?  Did us not notice the Black Death?  World War I?  The Depression?  The Dust Bowl?  World War II?  The Cold War?  The rise of autocracy?  Were any of these examples of nicer?  Us is amazing.  Us don't need no hoaxers.  Us flimflams ourselves!